Oct 27, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Honors and Academic Support

Academic Honors. Wesleyan College recognizes its students’ superior academic work through the President’s Scholars, the Provost’s List, senior honors (Latin), Junior Marshals, and through election to various campus honor societies.

President’s Scholars: Full-time students who during one semester, including summer, pass all their courses and earn a grade point average of 4.00 are named as President’s Scholars for the semester.

Provost’s List: Full-time students who during one semester, including summer, pass in all their courses and maintain a grade point average of 3.50 to 3.99 are named to the Provost’s List for the semester.

Senior Honors: Requirements for graduating with honors at the bachelor’s degree level are:

summa cum laude

  1. Attains a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.90 for all work completed at Wesleyan and any work accepted for transfer credit; however, the student may not receive a higher honor at graduation than that merited by her academic performance at Wesleyan.
  2. Completes at least 60 semester hours of graded course work at Wesleyan College.
  3. Takes all courses for a grade with the exception of one course and those which may only be taken for Credit/No Credit.

magna cum laude

  1. Attains a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.70 for all work completed at Wesleyan and any work accepted for transfer credit; however, the student may not receive a higher honor at graduation than that merited by her academic performance at Wesleyan.
  2. Completes at least 60 semester hours of graded course work at Wesleyan College.
  3. Takes all courses for a grade with the exception of one course and those which may only be taken for Credit/No Credit.

cum laude

  1. Attains a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.50 for all work completed at Wesleyan and any work accepted for transfer credit; however, the student may not receive a higher honor at graduation than that merited by her academic performance at Wesleyan.
  2. Completes at least 60 semester hours of graded course work at Wesleyan College.
  3. Takes all courses for a grade with the exception of one course and those which may only be taken for Credit/No Credit.

For senior honors, grades accepted for transfer credit to Wesleyan will be computed in the cumulative GPA, but the student may not receive a higher honor at graduation than that merited by her academic performance at Wesleyan.

Wesleyan graduates with an undergraduate degree who return to Wesleyan for a second undergraduate degree, or students who come to Wesleyan for a second undergraduate degree from an institution of higher education accredited by an institutional accreditor, will continue adding to their previous GPA for cumulative hours.

Honors will be recognized during the annual commencement ceremony and will not be announced to students prior to distribution of the commencement program. For those allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony prior to completion of degree requirements, calculation for announcement of honors at the ceremony will be determined based on the current GPA using the same rules as stated above. However, honors will be recalculated after completion of all degree requirements and the notation of honors on the transcript will not be placed until the degree is conferred.

Junior Marshals. Junior Marshals are selected during spring semester each year from full-time students in the rising Junior Class to serve as guides in the processional and recessional at formal academic occasions in the next academic year. At the point of selection, candidates for Junior Marshal positions must have completed forty-five (45) hours or registered for enough hours to total sixty (60) hours of academic work by the end of the summer term, at least thirty (30) of which must be at Wesleyan College. The Provost of the College, the Registrar of the College, the Dean of Students and the Faculty Marshal comprise the selection committee. The committee may solicit information from Faculty and Student Affairs Staff as needed. Selection criteria include cumulative grade point average, proven leadership in student organizations, and character traits including punctuality, reliability, and commitment. In addition, the student should also have no recorded violations of the Honor Code.

Honors Program. The Wesleyan College Honors Program is designed to engage and strengthen participants’ sense of agency for addressing and impacting the world’s biggest problems. A Wesleyan education provides students with the knowledge necessary to understand the components of and potential solutions to such challenges, and the Honors Program will build on that foundation by offering Honors Scholars both tools and opportunities to move from ideas to action as they seek to improve their communities at Wesleyan, in Macon, and beyond.


The Honors Program’s purpose will be fulfilled through both curricular and co-curricular components.

Curricular Structure

Students will receive Honors course credit either by taking classes designed to incorporate one of the levels of Honors into their content or by completing a pre-approved, supervised project connected to content they are learning in a regular course. This credit will not count toward the 120 hours needed for graduation but will be accounted for through four zero-hour courses that will correspond with the different levels of the Honors Program curriculum. The Honors Program curriculum will consist of four levels and a Capstone Project:

Level 1 (HON 101 ): Agency and Identity-courses and/or Honors Projects connected to courses will focus on identity development so that students can better understand themselves and how they can use that self-knowledge to be better agents for positive change in the world. Coursework and/or projects for Level 1 will vary, but students should expect to spend at least 10-15 hours on this work.

Level 2 (HON 102 ): Agency in the Community-courses and/or Honors Projects connected to courses will focus on how students can practice ethical agency in campus and/or Middle Georgia communities. Coursework and/or projects for Level 2 will vary, but students should expect to spend at least 15-20 hours on this work.

Level 3 (HON 103 ): Agency in Collaboration-courses and/or Honors Projects connected to courses will focus on how students can work with others to identify problems and/or areas of need and then design and implement solutions while working with others as part of a team. Coursework and/or projects for Level 3 will vary, but students should expect to spend at least 20-25 hours on this work.

Level 4 (HON 104 ): Agency and Your Career-courses and/or Honors Projects connected to courses will focus on opportunities to practice ethical agency within career fields related to students’ majors. Level 4 Honors coursework must be completed within a student’s major to count toward the Honors Curriculum, and the work may coincide with Capstone work if needed. Coursework and/or projects for Level 4 will vary, but students should expect to spend at least 25-30 hours on this work.

Capstone: The final element of the Honors Curriculum will be for students to complete an Honors Thesis or Project that is based on or connected to work done in Honors coursework. Capstone work can be connected, content-wise, to any course at any Honors level, but students must sign up for at least 3 hours of XXX 499 before the Capstone is completed in order to finish the required 15 hours of Honors coursework needed for graduating as an Honors Scholar. Note, however, that it is common for students to register for 6 hours of XXX 499, 3 each in the fall and spring of senior year. Students should not begin Capstone work before junior year without permission from the Director of Honors.

Expectations for theses and types of projects will vary, but students should expect to spend at least the equivalent time and effort of 3 course hours on this work, and sometimes this total may be much higher (e.g., for an Honors Thesis in biology, where a student might spend well over a year designing and completing the work that will inform their project). More details about the requirements of and procedures for the Capstone may be found in the Honors Capstone section of this document.

Presentation of Work: Projects and/or coursework used to complete Levels 1-4 of the Honors Program curriculum must be presented to the Wesleyan community each year in a group setting (e.g., via something like a poster session). The Capstone thesis or project must be presented individually to the campus community, either at Celebrating Student Scholarship Day or on another day approved by the Director of Honors, before the student graduates.

Co-curricular Activities and Events:

Each semester the Honors Program will host at least two activities or events, themed around at least one of the curricular levels, that all Honors Scholars will be encouraged to attend. Examples might include but are not limited to lectures by visiting scholars, field trips, group activities on or off campus, etc.

Conference Presentations

Wesleyan College encourages students to present high-quality research and other scholarly work at state, regional and national conferences. Students are encouraged to consult with their advisors regarding appropriate venues at which to present their work. In many fields, conferences accept proposals for presentations by undergraduate students, and there are similar opportunities at a number of interdisciplinary conferences. The college maintains membership in the Southern Regional Honors Council and the Georgia Collegiate Honors Council, and students are eligible to apply to present their work at those organizations’ annual conferences. There is also a list of conferences that accept undergraduate work available on the WesPortal, WesNet tab. A student’s advisor is likely to be the best source of information about conference opportunities. The college will provide limited funding to cover travel, lodging and registration expenses on a competitive basis. To be eligible for consideration for funding, a student must have a grade point average of at least 3.50 overall and in her major, as well as have a recommendation from a faculty member who is supervising her research. Applications for conference funding will be considered by a committee composed of the Director of Honors, the Provost, and the Dean for Teaching. Learning, and Student Success. Because of budgetary considerations, even well qualified projects may not be awarded funding. Students who receive funding must complete a report on their presentation to the Director of Honors no later than Reading Day of the semester in which the conference occurs. Students who do not make a presentation as planned must repay to the college any funds received. Because of the limited funding available, College funding will be available for no more than one conference per student.

The Honors Capstone

Eligibility to Begin Honors Capstone Research

In order to be eligible to begin the Honors Capstone, a student must meet the following requirements:

  1. The student must be a member in good standing of the Honors Program; and
  2. The student must have finished all four levels of the Honors Program Curriculum and submitted the completed contracts for those levels to the Director of Honors.

Eligibility to Continue Honors Capstone Research

A student conducting research for an Honors Capstone must maintain a grade point average of at least 3.50 overall and in the major throughout the senior year in order to be eligible to continue their research into the second semester and complete the Honors Capstone. Students who do not meet this standard will no longer be eligible to complete the Honors Capstone. Note: A student rendered ineligible to begin or continue Capstone Research may appeal via the same procedures listed in the Appeals section of this document.

Honors Capstone Procedures

A student wishing to write an Honors Capstone must consult with their major advisor early during the spring semester of the junior year. The student must then submit an application and syllabus for XXX 499, designed with the advisor, to the director of their major program and the registrar no later than the end of the spring semester of the junior year.

During the senior year, a Capstone student will complete and present the results of their research. The Capstone constitutes an in-depth exploration of some area within the major field. Involvement in the Honors Capstone will require registration for at least 3 semester hours, but this total will frequently be 6 hours divided between the last two semesters and will be noted on the student’s transcript as XXX 499. At the beginning of the fall semester of the senior year, the student should establish a Capstone committee, and throughout the fall and spring semesters of senior year, they should meet regularly with the Capstone advisor. Honors Capstone hours need not count toward the maximum hours allowed in a major. Note: There is a one-time course fee for XXX 499.

By the end of the fall semester of the student’s senior year, a minimum of half of the work of the Capstone must be complete and submitted to the advisor including all Introduction material and a complete bibliography. At least one week before Celebrating Student Scholarship Day in spring semester, the student should submit a complete first draft to the Capstone committee. Students completing the Honors Capstone are required to present their findings to faculty and peers during Celebrating Student Scholarship Day. The oral defense and the revised and signed Capstone are due by Reading Day of spring semester. Finally, the completion of the Capstone shall be noted on the student’s final transcript, with the notation to include the project’s title.

Capstone Research to Be Construed Broadly

There is a great deal of variation between academic fields regarding what constitutes serious scholarly work. Depending on the field, this may include performances or the display of tangible creative works. Such scholarly work is eligible for consideration for the completion of Capstone requirements, provided that 1) a permanent record of the work is created for the college’s collection, 2) the student’s advisor approves of the work in the same manner that other Capstone work is approved, and 3) the student meets all other requirements for the completion of the Capstone.

Note: Students graduating in December should follow the modified schedule and checklist available on WesPortal, WesNet tab. These students should meet with their advisor(s) during the second semester of their junior year to set up a schedule for the completion of their Capstone requirements.


Students will enter into HON courses via a registration exemption procedure overseen by the Director of Honors. Because the HON courses are zero-credit-hour classes, the normal calendar restrictions for when students may register for and complete them do not apply.

First-Year Students

First-Year Honors Students will complete their Level 1 projects via coursework in WIS 110 , which will have designated Honors sections for this purpose. The Director of Honors will work in consultation with the WIS 110  course coordinator and instructors from those sections both to organize and complete Honors Contracts for HON 101  and to ensure that level-appropriate work is completed by the date agreed upon in that contract between the student and the faculty supervisor. If for some reason a First-Year student does not take one of the WIS 110  Honors sections or does not complete their Honors project work by the contract deadline, they may complete their HON 101  requirement with another course following the contract-based procedure described below.

All Other Students

Non-First-Year students, including transfers with under 60 hours of course credit, will sign-up for Honors course credit by completing a contract form with the appropriate faculty advisor (e.g., the instructor of the course their work will be connected to, the Director of Honors, or another faculty member approved by both the course instructor and the Director of Honors). This form must be submitted to the Director of Honors on or before the mid-semester date, as listed on the Wesleyan College Academic Calendar, of the semester the student is registered for the course on which their Honors work will be based. Once the contract form has been approved, the student may begin the project work, and once that work is completed according to the deadline agreed upon in the contract, the Director of Honors will contact the Registrar and request that the student be given credit for the appropriate HON course. Students who transfer to Wesleyan with at least 60 hours of credit will follow this same procedure for registration but will complete a shortened curriculum in order to graduate as an Honors Scholar. These students should consult with the Director of Honors before following the registration procedure for any Honors coursework.

Eligibility and Requirements

In order to be a member in good standing within the Honors Program, a student must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5, participate in at least two Honors Program co-curricular activities each academic year, and complete at least one level of HON credit per academic year until all levels are completed, with HON 101  coming first and with 102 and 103 being completed, in either order, before 104. Eligibility will be determined at the end of each academic year, and students will be notified via letter of their standing before the start of the next academic year’s fall semester. Honors Scholars who fail to meet eligibility requirements will be placed on probation for one year, and if they have failed to meet said requirements again at the next point of eligibility determination, they will be excluded from the program. First-year students who enter the College with a high school GPA of at least 3.5 will be automatically enrolled in the Honors Program unless they opt out before the beginning of the fall semester. They will have the opportunity to do this after the Honors Program Welcome Meeting, which will be held by the Director of Honors each year before fall classes begin. All other students who meet the GPA requirement may apply for entry into the Honors Program via an application submitted to the Director of Honors. Finally, an appeals process will be available to any student who wants to be considered for inclusion into the Program but does not meet the initial GPA requirement and for students who have been excluded due to a drop in GPA.

Honors Scholar Graduation Requirements and Latin Honors

In order to graduate as a Wesleyan College Honors Scholar, students must complete 15 hours of Honors coursework: 3 from each of the curricular levels and 3 hours of Capstone work within the major (registered as XXX 499), unless the student has transferred to Wesleyan with at least 60 hours of course credit. Such transfer students may graduate as an Honors Scholar by completing a shortened version of the curriculum, consisting of either HON 102  or HON 103  along with HON 104  and the Capstone Project. All Honors Scholar Graduates, including those on the shortened transfer curriculum, must also present their work at a yearly communal event designated by the Director of Honors with the exception of Capstone Thesis/Projects, which must be presented to the Wesleyan Community individually before the student graduates. Honors Scholars must also graduate in good standing within the Honors Program by having met all eligibility requirements. Please note that Latin Honors is distinct from the Honors Program and will be conferred to graduates separately from all Honors Program requirements according to the guidelines published in the Wesleyan College Catalog.


Any student who wants to be considered for inclusion into the Program but does not meet the initial GPA requirement or has been excluded due to a drop in GPA may write an appeal letter to the Director of Honors. This letter should explain any extenuating circumstances leading to the GPA shortfall, and it should also indicate why the student wants to be part of the Honors Program. This letter will be considered by a group consisting of the Director of Honors, the Provost, and the Dean for Teaching, Learning, and Student Success. The Director of Honors will then inform the student via writing of the result of their appeal. Note: This same process may be completed to appeal a decision where a student has been rendered ineligible to continue Capstone research due to GPA restriction.

Honor Societies and Professional Fraternities.

Alpha Lambda Delta. This national scholastic honor society recognizes outstanding academic achievement during the first year. Founded nationally in 1923, a chapter was established at Wesleyan in 1987. To be eligible for membership, first-year students must be enrolled full-time, earn a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or better, and be among the top 20 percent of their class.

Beta Beta Beta. Beta Beta Beta is a national honor society for biologists. Founded nationally in 1922, a chapter was established at Wesleyan in 1977. Rising juniors and senior biology majors are chosen on the basis of academic achievement, both in the major and in general scholarship.

Kappa Mu Epsilon. KME, a specialized honor society in mathematics, established the Georgia Epsilon chapter at Wesleyan in 2010. KME was founded in 1931 to promote the interest of mathematics among undergraduate students. Its chapters are located in colleges and universities of recognized standing which offer a strong mathematics major. The chapters’ members are selected from students of mathematics and other closely related fields who have maintained standards of scholarship, have professional merit, and have attained academic distinction.

Mortar Board. The Crown and Scepter chapter of Mortar Board was founded at Wesleyan in 1971. Mortar Board is a national senior honor society founded for the advancement of women. Membership is based on scholarship, leadership, and service, and is offered to a select group of rising seniors every spring.

Phi Kappa Phi. The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is a national honor society recognizing academe achievement in all departments. The Wesleyan chapter was established in 1969. It seeks to stimulate scholarship in all fields of learning. Only those juniors who are in the upper 7.5 percent and seniors in the upper 10 percent of their classes may be considered for membership. Character and service are also considered.

Phi Sigma Iota. The International Foreign Language Honor Society began in 1917 at Allegheny College. The Sigma Omicron chapter of Phi Sigma Iota was established on the Wesleyan campus in 1966. The Society seeks to recognize outstanding achievement and abilities of students pursuing a curriculum which emphasizes foreign languages, literatures, and cultures. Students who have completed at least three semesters at Wesleyan, who have reached at least the fifth semester level of the foreign language they study, and who have a 3.00 average or better in the declared major/minor and in overall coursework are eligible for membership.

Pi Gamma Mu. Installed at Wesleyan in 1959, Pi Gamma Mu is a national honor society in social science. To be eligible, a student must have earned at least twenty semester hours in the social sciences with a B average and be in the upper 35% of her class.

Psi Chi. A chapter of Psi Chi, a national honor society in psychology, was established at Wesleyan College in 1980. To be eligible for membership, a student must have declared a major in psychology, completed eight semester hours of psychology, or six semester hours and registered for at least two semester hours in addition. Grade point averages of 3.267 in general scholarship and 3.3 in the major are required.

Convocations. The Wesleyan Convocation Series contributes to a strong academic atmosphere for students, faculty, and staff by bringing to the campus outstanding scholars and performers in varied areas. In addition to providing enrichment beyond classroom experiences, the Convocations also serve the purpose of providing a time for the entire campus community and local community to meet together. The Convocation Series will support the mission of the college.

Criteria for Convocations

Convocations should contribute to the campus’s academic atmosphere. Ceremonial occasions celebrating the life and accomplishments of the Wesleyan community (Fall Opening Convocation, Student Scholarship Day, and Faculty Scholarship Day, for example) and endowed lectures (such as the Belk Lecture, the Carnes Lecture, Transforming the South, and the Gail Patterson Webster endowed lecture) are vital to the campus environment. Wesleyan Experiential Learning and Discovery (WELD) “Discovery” Days will also be a part of the convocation series.

As a part of a liberal arts education, Convocations expose students to a broad knowledge base often outside of the student’s major and stimulate thought on a wide range of subjects. They also offer opportunities for students to explore academic and co-curricular interests outside of the classroom. Convocations provide occasions for students to question and explore the issues that affect their lives and futures.

Convocations should be organized with a clear academic goal in mind and strive to support the college’s selected theme for the academic year.


  1. Wesleyan College shall offer 10-12 convocations per semester. The complete Convocation calendar will be released on or before the first day of classes each fall and spring semester.
  2. The deadline for submitting Convocation requests for the fall semester is May 1. If the maximum number of 10 convocations is not reached at that deadline, additional requests are due July 1. Fall convocation dates must be set by August 1. The deadline for submitting convocation requests for the spring semester is October 1. If the maximum number of 10 convocations is not reached at that deadline, additional requests are due November 1. Spring convocation dates must be set by January 1. Applications should be submitted electronically to the chair of P&E through the convocation proposal form.
  3. Convocations may be scheduled according to guidelines given by the Programs and Exhibitions Committee.
  4. Any materials purchased with funds from the Programs and Exhibitions Committee budget are the property of Wesleyan College.
  5. Campus constituencies may certainly hold events that are not part of the convocation series. Also, opportunities for quality events often arise suddenly; events may be funded through Programs and Exhibitions that are not part of the convocation series.

Student Requirements

  1. To earn convocation credit, students must be present for the entire event. Furthermore, students must behave professionally during the event. Activities (such as texting or talking on cell phones) that distract others and signal disrespect for speakers/presenters and audience will not be tolerated. Lack of adherence to these guidelines constitutes an Honor Code violation, and the student will not receive convocation credit for the event.
  2. Each fall and spring semesters, all Wesleyan students can earn a 0.25 credit hour GPA boost (A, 4.00) and noted on her transcript as Convocation Attendance. Credit earned for convocation attendance will boost a student’s Wesleyan institutional GPA. However, credit hours earned do not apply towards graduation. Convocation credits do not apply to full-time/part-time credit hours. The convocation credit GPA boost may not apply to GPA’s configured for external scholarships and/or federal and state aid programs; it will apply to President’s Scholar, Provost’s List, and Latin honors. To earn the 0.25 credit hour GPA boost, a student must meet the following requirements:
    1. For Fall Semester: 5 Convocations. One of the five must be a WELD Discovery Day.
    2. For Spring Semester: 5 Convocations. One of the five must be a WELD Discovery Day.
    3. Each term, before finals, Student Affairs will inform the Registrar of the students who attended the required amount of convocations. The Registrar will add students to the Convocation class and post an A grade.
  3. Each semester students who complete the convocation attendance requirement will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card.

Instructional Technology. Wesleyan College requires all full-time students to have a personal computer which meets minimum specifications. For information or current specifications, contact the Computer Help Desk at 478-757-5239 or helpdesk@wesleyancollege.edu.

Wesleyan is committed to providing students with the opportunity to use technology appropriate for their field of study. Students have access to both private e-mail and access to WesPortal, the College’s intranet. The use of the systems must comply with the College’s network policy which fully supports the EDUCOM Code for the protection of software and intellectual rights.

Wesleyan College provides students with (Wi-Fi) wireless network connection throughout the campus. These connections afford students the opportunity to browse the Internet, conduct research, and develop an appreciation for the ever-changing world of digital information.

Several computer laboratories and electronic classrooms are available for specialized activities such as scanning, statistical analysis, multimedia development, multimedia presentations, and Web page creation. Most courses involve direct use of computer and web-based resources. The Canvas learning management system facilitates sharing course resources, grading, bulletin-board and chat-based discussions. Students have access to electronic databases and Georgia inter-library loans and downloads as well as extensive use of virtual exploration programs and electronic simulations.

Information Technology Assistants are available to provide computer support and training.

Transfer, Dual Degree and Articulation Agreements. Wesleyan College provides programs that, under certain conditions, facilitate student transfers from several junior colleges in Georgia and North Carolina. Current articulation agreements include Andrew College, Georgia Military College, and Louisburg College. For more information, contact the Registrar’s Office.

Under limited conditions, Mercer University and Wesleyan College allow their students to cross-register for courses at each other’s institution. Other cross-registration collaborations include Acadeum and RIZE.

Wesleyan College offers students a variety of online courses through Acadeum, a network of accredited colleges and universities that share online course offerings. To see the courses available, visit https://students.acadeum.com/institutions/wesleyan-college.

Cross-registration courses provide you an opportunity to get ahead in coursework or to repeat a course to improve your grade point average. Courses will affect your grade-point average just like a Wesleyan College course.

Besides standard tuition and Wesleyan fees, there are no additional charges for summer classes completed through Acadeum. Although, course fees apply in the fall and spring semesters. You may use Wesleyan College financial aid. Required textbooks are not provided and must be purchased on your own.

Grades earned for courses attempted through cross-registration will count in the Grade Point Average at the home institution. Contact the Registrar’s Office for approval before considering this option.

Study Abroad Programs. The International Study Abroad and Exchange Program of Wesleyan College provides outstanding academic opportunities. These programs extend the boundaries of our campus, widen our educational horizon, and encourage personal and academic growth through semester, summer, or year-long studies in a variety of countries.

Wesleyan College is an associate member of the International Education of Students (IES) consortium which provides access to a wide range of institutionally approved international programs in popular destinations around the world. Wesleyan College is also a member of MISEN (Methodist International Student Exchange Network) which provides access to international programs in the MISEN network. Wesleyan College also has direct exchange agreements through the Business Education Initiative with Queen’s University in Northern Ireland and with the following institutions:

Sookmyung Women’s University, South Korea

Ewha Woman’s University, South Korea

Osaka University, Japan

Hiroshima Jogaquin University, Japan

Guangzhou University, People’s Republic of China

Additionally, Wesleyan College has a Memorandum of Understanding to promote academic collaboration and exchanges with Guangzhou University, South China Normal University, and South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China.

Wesleyan College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate degrees and master’s degrees. Neither Sookmyung Women’s University, Ewha Woman’s University, Osaka University, South China Normal University, Guangzhou University, South China University of Technology, nor Queen’s University (Belfast, Northern Ireland) herein referred to as partner institutions is accredited by the Commission on Colleges, and the accreditation of Wesleyan College does not extend to or include these partner institutions nor its students. Although Wesleyan College accepts certain course work in transfer toward a credential from the partner institutions, or collaborates in other ways for generation of course credits or program credentials, other colleges and universities may or may not accept this work in transfer, even if it appears on a transcript from Wesleyan College. This decision is made by the institution subsequently considering the possibility of accepting such credits.

Eligibility and Requirements

Undergraduate students must have a 3.00 cumulative grade point average, sophomore standing or greater, be in good academic standing, and have the initial approval of their academic advisors and program directors.

Each student preparing for international study abroad is required to participate in an orientation session the semester before the international program begins and make a presentation after she returns to Wesleyan. The orientation session explores observing other cultures, language learning outside of the classroom, journal writing, as well as practical health, safety, and financial concerns. Students are expected to keep a journal of their experiences to share with the Wesleyan community following their return home.

Credits and Transcripts

Course pre-approval will be coordinated by the Study Abroad Committee through the student’s academic advisor, the Provost of the College, and the Registrar of the College.


Application for study abroad must be made on forms provided by the Study Abroad Center in Tate Hall. All students must submit a Wesleyan International and Study Abroad application with a $50 deposit. Our cooperative agreement programs may require additional applicant fees or deposits. Applications will be available by early December.

The application for a direct exchange includes a letter of recommendation from the student’s academic advisor. The application process may be competitive, and all application materials are due by February 1. Students will be notified as soon as possible regarding their acceptance and placement.

Program Costs and Financial Aid

The cost of each institutionally approved international program varies. Program costs are dependent upon the student’s financial aid and the type of program in which the student enrolls. Students may apply for the Royal Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad. Contact the Study Abroad Office for more information about the royal Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad. Other scholarships are provided by IES, Phi Kappa Phi, and the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for more information about these scholarships.

Transportation, Insurance, Passports, and Visas

Students are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. Students are required to show proof of medical insurance for the duration of the program. For international study, this insurance should include both medical evacuation and repatriation benefits. The purchase of special insurance policies might be required by participating host institutions and consortia. Students are responsible for obtaining or renewing their passports and securing proper visas for international study. Each student must submit evidence of a valid passport before receiving final approval. For further information, please contact the Academic Study Abroad Director at studyabroad@wesleyancollege.edu.

Internship and Professional Development Experience Programs. Wesleyan College’s Professional Development Experience (PDE) Program is a significant component of Wesleyan’s overall academic curriculum. Through this program, students are able to relate theory to actual practice, reflect upon issues and concepts related to their experience, and gain valuable work experience while continuing their academic studies.

Two levels of practical experience carry corresponding course descriptions. For the beginning student, a lower division course, Field Study 199, serves as an introduction to special areas in a career in which a student is interested. Consisting primarily of observation, the 199 exploratory internship allows the student to obtain a broad overview of a potential career while receiving credit for the experience. Field Study 452 is a more detailed program through which students with substantial relevant coursework obtain knowledge of a career and the opportunity to develop specific competencies necessary for entry level employment in that field. In addition, all students with graduation dates of May 2020 or later will be required to obtain at least one credit hour of PDE 400 .

Variable academic credit is permitted for internships, but no more than twelve semester hours of field study credit will be counted toward the fulfillment of graduation requirements. During any given semester, one semester hour of academic credit earned equals a minimum of 48 hours dedicated to internship activities, 2 credit hours equals 96 activity hours, 3 credit hours equals 144 activity hours, and so on. A student may not register for more than twelve semester hours of internship credit in a semester.

Two levels of practical experience carry corresponding course descriptions. First, for students who do not have 60 credits hours yet or who want to earn elective credits within their major, a major-specific course (Field Study 452) serves as an introduction to a career in which a student is interested. Field Study 452 is a credit/no credit course through which students with some relevant coursework obtain knowledge of a career and the opportunity to develop specific competencies necessary for entry level employment in that field.

Second, the PDE 400  course is the primary way through which students earn credit for completing experiential learning opportunities. All students (except for Nursing and Education majors) are required to earn at least one credit hour of PDE 400  in order to graduate. The purpose of PDE 400  is designed to have students make connections between coursework and co-curricular activities, develop their career and professional goals, and apply their skills and knowledge in a professional setting or project. A student earns PDE 400  credit through completing an intentional, personalized, in-depth experiential learning activity, while concurrently enrolled in an online Canvas course. PDE 400  is taken for a letter grade. Students must have completed 60 credit hours before enrolling in PDE 400 .

In order to enroll in either Field Study 452 or PDE 400 , students must first secure a relevant experience. The Center for Career Development can provide resources and guidance as the student seeks to find an experience that fits their career goals. After the student secures their experience, they coordinate with the Center for Career Development to request approval to be enrolled in PDE 400  or Field Study 452. To ensure the academic quality of these professional experiences, students work closely with their advisor and supervisor to create learning outcomes, identify learning-focused projects, and complete performance evaluations. All applications will be approved by the student’s academic advisor, supervisor, course instructor, and the Center for Career Development. Further instructions regarding internships and PDE 400  experiences are available on the Career Development section of WesNet.

And finally, all students (except for Nursing and Education majors) are required to complete the one credit hour PDE 401 course in order to graduate. PDE 401 (Professional Practice Seminar) is a course in which students reflect on their liberal arts education, explore professional and career choices, and prepare for future professional success. The course incorporates several learning experiences designed to support students in the process of professional discernment and development of knowledge and skills in preparation of graduate school and career. Multiple sections of this course are offered every term. It is recommended that students take this course in the spring semester of their junior year.

Academic Resource Center. The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is committed to providing academic resources, programs and services that promote the development and academic success of all Wesleyan students. Group workshops and individual sessions are held throughout the academic year in addition to special topic seminars that provide students with information about academic and personal success. Peer tutoring is a free resource provided to all students and is available by individual appointment and in group sessions. The ARC is located on the ground floor of Willet Memorial Library and is open 24 hours a day/7 days a week for student use. Contact the Dean for Teaching, Learning and Student Success for questions regarding Academic Resource Center Services.

Disability Resources. Wesleyan College is committed to equal education and full participation for all students. Disability Services is committed to supporting students with disabilities. The Director of Disability and Advocacy Services oversees the implementation of disability related programs and services.

If a student with a disability wishes to receive an accommodation, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the Director of Disability and Advocacy Services and request an accommodation by completing the Disability Services Request Form. The student must provide current documentation from a qualified licensed professional as soon as possible, prior to when accommodations are desired. The documentation should include the specific diagnosis attributing to the disability, how the diagnosis was determined, and effects the disability will have on the student’s collegiate life. Students may request a Wesleyan College Disability Services Verification Form on which a licensed professional can provide this information.

If the submitted documentation meets the requirements, the Director of Disability and Advocacy Services will approve reasonable accommodations and notify the student of this approval. If the documentation does not meet the requirements, the Director of Disability and Advocacy Services will inform the student that additional information or contact with the medical professional is required. If a student feels as though she has been denied a reasonable accommodation or is dissatisfied with the determination that they are not eligible as an otherwise qualified individual with a disability the student may appeal in writing according to the Process for appealing decisions by the Office of Disability Services.

Once approval of the accommodation request has been obtained from the Director of Disability and Advocacy Services the student is expected to identify herself and discuss the documentation provided by Disability Services to the appropriate staff or faculty member as soon as possible. Both faculty or staff member and student will sign the accommodation contract via Adobe signature if all are in agreement. During this time, the student will discuss with appropriate staff or faculty member to determine how accommodations will be administered. Once both parties sign the Adobe administered contract, the accommodation contract will be finalized.

Accommodations that decrease the integrity of a course or program or cause an undue burden will not be approved. Accommodations will not be granted retroactively. Accommodations will be determined on an individual basis according to specific student needs. To continue to be considered for academic accommodations, a student must request services each semester. Other accommodation requests must be made annually.

Willet Memorial Library. The Lucy Lester Willet Memorial Library offers a variety of print and electronic resources to support student research and the College curriculum. The library’s strong liberal arts core collection includes more than 140,000 books, 33,900 microforms, and more than 500 print and online periodical subscriptions. The library provides extensive electronic resources, including more than 100 databases containing periodical indexing, full-text journals and reference works supporting a full range of curricular programs. Many of these are available through the statewide GALILEO (Georgia Library Learning Online) project. Through Wesleyan’s membership in the Georgia Private Academic Libraries (GPALS) consortium, students can enjoy access to the library collections of 20 other academic libraries in the state in addition to being able to borrow materials from libraries nationally via interlibrary loan. Professional librarians offer reference and research assistance, workshops, and other learning opportunities designed to foster information-literacy skills for academic success and life-long learning. Library hours before and during holidays may change. Hours for holidays and summer session are posted on the Library’s website.

Writing Center. The Writing Center is available to all students who need help improving their writing skills in general or enhancing a piece of writing in particular. Students may schedule appointments or drop in to work with trained peer tutors. The Writing Center is located in the Academic Resource Center on the ground floor of Willett Memorial Library.