Feb 08, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Policies

Policies and Procedures. All academic policies and procedures can be found in the Academic Catalog. Students are required to read and adhere to all regulations.

Academic Calendar. The academic calendar is posted in the Wesleyan College Catalog, on the website, and on WesPortal, WesNet tab, Registrar’s Office section. Each graduate program adheres to their own calendar.

Academic Advising and Registration. The director of the graduate program will provide academic advising to graduate students. Faculty advisors are available to assist students, but responsibility for acquainting themselves with regulations and fulfilling all requirements for the degree rests with individual students.

Academic Exclusion/Dismissal. Graduate candidates are required to maintain a 3.00 grade point average. Graduate candidates who receive a second C grade or one F grade will be reviewed for continuance in the program to ensure a 3.0 GPA can be achieved, and may be required to repeat the course.

A candidate who repeats the same course (in which a grade of “C” or “F” was earned) and cannot achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 after the repeat of the course will be academically dismissed from the program.

The student may appeal her or his exclusion to the Graduate Program Council; the process of appeal is outlined in the letter of exclusion. A student may be excluded at any time for other than academic reasons as explained in Catalog.

Academic Renewal. The Academic Renewal policy is designed for Wesleyan College students that have withdrawn or been academically excluded from the College. A student is eligible for academic renewal upon a one semester absence from the College and after submitting an application for readmission to Wesleyan. Once accepted for readmission into the College, previous courses attempted at Wesleyan with a C or better grade will be counted for credit, while all F grades will be forgiven. In order to stay under the academic renewal policy, the following criteria and considerations must be met:

  1. The courses accepted (i.e. C or better) will only count for credit; they will not be assigned quality points in the overall grade point average.
  2. Courses must be repeated at Wesleyan College.
  3. The transcript of a student will include ALL courses taken at Wesleyan.
  4. A student is eligible to apply for Academic Renewal only once.

Attendance. The semester begins with the first day of class according to the College calendar and ends with the last day of the final exam week. Students are expected to attend all class meetings during the semester. Some classes, such as art, music, and theatre, have required activities scheduled outside of the scheduled classroom time. Please see the attendance policy stated in the course syllabus to determine how many classes can be missed without penalty. It is the instructor’s right to count being late for class the same as an absence.

Students who miss class for an officially documented sanctioned College event will not be counted as being absent for class, but it is the student’s responsibility to notify a faculty member one week in advance. Officially sanctioned College events include official athletic competitions (not practices) for athletes that are eligible to play, required class field trips, and representing the College at academic conferences or activities. However, even for College sanctioned events it might not be possible to make up the missed work (e.g., as in the case of lab work).

If a student cannot attend class, for any reason, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the professor about the possibility of making up missed work. Not attending class regularly may affect eligibility for financial aid and the ability to live in the residence halls.

Attendance for Online Delivery. In the online classroom environment, attendance is demonstrated through active participation. Online students must complete an academically related activity each week to be considered actively participating. Simply logging into an online class is not considered being active and does not count towards attendance.

Credit and Grading System. Letter grades are used in graduate courses. Plus and minus grade designations are not used. Letter grades are interpreted below with the number of quality points per credit hour or percent of total points assigned to each letter grade.

A: Superior (4 points). The grade A is reserved for work that is of exceptional quality and showing unusual insight, initiative, and understanding.

B: Outstanding (3 points). The grade B is awarded for work that is of outstanding quality and is consistently above the average.

C: Passing (2 points). The grade C indicates average performance. It is an acceptable and respectable grade.

F: Failing (0 points). The grade F indicates failure.

I: Incomplete (not computed in GPA)

W: Withdrawal (not computed in GPA).

Graduate students may not receive credit for graduate courses through course challenge or credit for prior learning.

Grade Appeals. Appeals for a change in the final course grade must be initiated within 5 working days after the registrar’s office has posted final grades for the term in which the course was taken.

Any student considering a grade appeal should understand that each faculty member has the right and responsibility to determine grades according to any method chosen by the faculty member as long as these methods follow professional and disciplinary standards, are clearly communicated to everyone in the class, and are equally applied to all students. Therefore, grades should only be appealed under circumstances such as the following:

  1. The instructor erred in the calculation of the grade;
  2. The assignment of a grade was on the basis other than performance in the course, (though a grade may reflect a penalty for academic misconduct.)
  3. The assignment of a grade had a substantial departure from the instructor’s previously announced standards.
  4. The grading decision was based upon standards unreasonably different from those which were applied to other students in the same course and section.

The grade appeal procedure is NOT to be used to review the judgment of an instructor in assessing the quality of a student’s work nor is it to be used if the student disagrees with the instructor on how the course was conducted or a clearly communicated course policy. Such concerns should be shared with the instructor and/or the appropriate department chair.

The student must contact the faculty member in question about the grade. If the student feels this conversation did not resolve the matter then the student should proceed with the appeal. If a student wishes to appeal a grade the following process should be followed:

  1. The student should fill out the Grade appeal form located on wesleyancollege.edu/about/compliance/reporting.cfm.
  2. The provost will submit the form and any documentation to the division chair (or a selected division chair if the faculty member is the division chair) for investigation. The Provost will also send the form to the faculty member in question. The division chair will:
    1. Read through the information submitted by the student.
    2. Talk with the faculty member in question about the situation. Faculty may either submit information in writing to the division chair or have a conversation about the situation.
    3. Talk with the student in question.
    4. The division chair can review other information, as needed in making a decision.

The division chair has five working days to submit their conclusion to the Provost. The Provost will notify the student and the faculty member in question.

  1. If the student feels like the division chair has not resolved the matter, the student may appeal the decision. The student may submit additional documentation, if appropriate. If an appeal is not submitted, then the decision from the division chair will be final.
  2. Upon receiving an appeal, the Provost will:
    1. Read through all information that has been submitted to date;
    2. Talk with the faculty member in question if any new information was submitted by the student;
    3. Talk with the student to clarify any needed information;
    4. Make a decision within five working days; and
    5. Notify the faculty member and student of the final decision. Decisions by the Provost are final.

Should a grade change result from the appeal, it is the responsibility of the decision-maker at the level of resolution (instructor, department chair, or Provost) to file, in writing, an authorization for grade change with the Registrar of the College. Said authorization should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office within five working days of the decision. A copy of the grade change shall become a part of the student’s permanent file.

No change of grade may be made later than one semester (or term) following the semester in which the grade was received. The Provost may make exceptions to the timeline for faculty responses as needed.

Complaints of an Academic Nature. Complaints related to academics but unrelated to grade appeals will follow the same general procedures as outlined above for grade appeals. To file a complaint, use the Personnel Complaint form or General Campus Incident form located on https://www.wesleyancollege.edu/about/compliance/reporting.cfm. If the complaint is not resolved, the student may appeal to the division chair, then the Provost of the College, and finally the President of the College.

Graduation. Graduate degrees are conferred upon satisfactory completion of all requirements, as announced on the program academic calendar. A minimum of 30 credits is required for a graduate program at Wesleyan College. Refer to the program of study to review credit requirements on each individual program.

Graduate degrees are conferred upon satisfactory completion of all requirements, as announced on the individual program academic calendar. The college will also host one annual commencement ceremony for graduate program students in August.

  • Attendance at graduation is required. A student may graduate in absentia only with the written permission of the Provost of the College. Students must pick up their diploma from the Registrar’s Office or will be required to pay a shipping fee to have it mailed. Diplomas will be shipped or made available for pickup during regular business hours the first working day after commencement.

Each student’s diploma and transcript will bear the student’s legal name. If the name has changed since admission to the College, the student must submit a court order or other document indicating a legal change of name to the Registrar no later than June 1st prior to commencement in August. Refer to the Name on Official Records policy

The commencement program will bear the student’s preferred name as indicated on the application for diploma. If the preferred name has changed since submission of the application for diploma, the student must submit a request to change the preferred name to the Registrar no later than June 1st prior to the commencement ceremony.

Participation in the Annual Commencement Ceremony

A student is eligible to participate and will receive their diploma during the commencement ceremony upon meeting all obligations to the College and completing academic requirements for the degree.

  • A student who has not met all academic requirements is eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony under the following circumstances:
  • Graduate program students must have no more than 6 credits of academic requirements remaining.
  • Must be in good financial standing with the College and without a past due balance hold.
  • Must not have any holds on their account from any department at the College.
  • Students will not receive a diploma during the commencement ceremony.
  • Upon meeting all obligations to the College and completing academic requirements, students will pick up their diploma from the Registrar’s Office or will be required to pay a shipping fee to have it mailed.
  • Attendance at the ceremony is required.

All financial obligations to the College must be paid in full in order for a student to be cleared for graduation. No student who owes an outstanding balance of any amount will be permitted to participate in the commencement ceremony. No degree will be conferred to any student who owes an outstanding balance of any amount to the College. Degrees held due to financial obligations will be conferred in the next commencement ceremony after all obligations to the College have been met.

Honor Code. The Honor Code is the foundation upon which life in the Wesleyan College community is built. It is based upon the idea that individual freedom is a right founded upon responsibility. All graduate students are expected to follow the Honor Code and Student Code of Conduct that is outlined in The Wolf Guide Student Handbook located on the college web page.

Academic violations of the Honor Code will follow the process listed below. All forms of sexual or gender-based discrimination, harassment, or misconduct will follow the Title IX process outlined in the Sexual Misconduct Policy located on the Wesleyan College website. If a judicial board is needed to handle an academic appeal or a non-academic violation of the code, the following process will be used:

The Graduate Honor Council (GHC) is convened on an as-needed basis by the Provost. The GHC is composed of:

  • The chair of the Graduate Program Council, will serve as GHC chair.
  • One full-time faculty member who teaches in one of the graduate programs.
  • One full-time faculty member who does not teach in one of the graduate programs.
  • Two graduate students from different programs selected in consultation with Graduate Program Directors by the chair of the GHC. Students should have completed at least 15 semester hours to be eligible to serve.

Graduate Honor Council Procedures

The chair of the GHC will notify the accused in writing of the charges, the procedures, and the date and time of the hearing at least 48 hours before the scheduled hearing. In emergency situations, 48 hours may not be provided. Cases will be heard as soon as possible after the accused has been officially notified of the charges, with the exception of extenuating circumstances. If charges are brought during the last week of the semester, the GHC will make every effort to hear the case before the end of the semester. If this is not possible, the case will be held over until the next semester.

A hearing will enable both the accuser and accused to provide accounts of the incident. If the accused does not attend the hearing, it will be held in his or her absence, and the student will forfeit the right to appeal. The GHC will deliberate, decide on a verdict, and choose a sanction. Students will be notified in writing of the hearing outcome.

Appeals can be made to the Provost of the College, at which time they can be upheld, amended or returned to GHC to be heard. All appeal decisions are considered final.

A student who has been accused of an Honor violation:

  • Will have the case heard without undue delay.
  • Will receive written notice of the charges, procedures, and date and time of the scheduled hearing no less than 48 hours before the scheduled hearing with the exception of extenuating circumstances.
  • May testify or remain silent.
  • May question the accuser and/or any witnesses appearing against the student.
  • Can present witnesses and/or evidence on own behalf.
  • May be present at the accuser’s case presentation.
  • May appeal to the Provost of the College only if she/he attended the initial hearing and has ground for the appeal as described below.

Hearing Procedure

  • The accused will be called into the Graduate Honor Council room at which time the Graduate Judicial Officer will explain the hearing procedure and state the student’s name and the charges being brought against her or him. The accused will be informed that the proceedings will be tape recorded to ensure accuracy and for appeal purposes.
  • The accused will be reminded that he/she is bound by the Honor Code and is required to tell the truth and given the opportunity to present his/her case.
  • The accuser will be asked to present her or his account of the incident and to present any witnesses about any matter logically relevant to the charge against the student. The accused has the right to be present during this testimony and can question the accuser or any witnesses without being questioned.
  • After the accuser presents all testimony, the accused has the right to present a defense and to offer testimony and that of any witnesses (maximum of 3).
  • The GJO may limit unproductively long, repetitive, or irrelevant questioning.
  • After the case has been presented, the Council will hold confidential deliberations. A decision will be rendered and the accused will be notified in writing, via e-mail, within twenty-four (24) hours of the conclusion of the hearing.

Note: Students are required to represent themselves. Legal or parental representation is not permissible in Honor Council proceedings or appeal hearings.

Possible Sanctions

Any sanction imposed by the Graduate Honor Council is independent of academic sanctions levied by the course instructor. The following are possible sanctions available to the Graduate Honor Council; others may be used if deemed appropriate by the board.

  • Educational Endeavor - Completing educational projects relevant to the violation.
  • Fines - Graduate Honor Council may assess fines (up to $100) which are appropriate for the violation.
  • Non-Academic Probation - A period of time, as determined by Graduate Honor Council, during which another Honor Code violation will be subject to further penalty. When a student is placed on non-academic probation, if the student comes before the Graduate Honor Council again during the probationary period, any previous violations will be taken into account when assessing a sanction.
  • Warning - A written statement to the individual that the individual has violated a college regulation or policy and that repetition of the same offense or any other violation may be cause for more severe disciplinary action. All previous violations will be taken into account when assessing a sanction if a student comes before the Graduate Honor Council again during the probationary period.
  • Suspension - The immediate or deferred exclusion from classes and other privileges (as set forth in the notice of suspension) for a period of time (one semester/session minimum) at the end of which the student may be considered for readmission by the Provost of the College. No refund of fees will be given and full tuition is required to be paid for the current semester.
  • Removal from the College - Removal from the College, with loss of visitation privileges for on-campus and College sponsored events, at which time, no refund of fees will be given and full payment of tuition is required to be paid for the current semester. A student may be considered for readmission if outlined at the time of removal. The Provost of the College may consider readmission.

Appeal Process

A formal, typed appeal must be presented to the Provost of the College, within 72 hours after the notification of the sanction has been delivered to the student. Appeals will not be accepted in cases where the student has not attended his or her Graduate Honor Council hearing. The student must state the reasons for the appeal and present evidence to support the claim, the verdict (responsible or not responsible), the sanction, or both. The Provost reserves the authority to uphold or amend the sanction or to have the Graduate Honor Council rehear cases when deemed appropriate. In the case of student appeals, the action taken will be administered but can be reversed after the appeal has been heard. Appeal decisions are final.

The following are the only grounds for appeal regarding Graduate Honor Council cases:

  • Evidence was not available at the time of the Graduate Honor Council decision but is now available and is directly related to the case.
  • The Graduate Honor Council did not follow proper procedure.
  • The sanction is extreme in relation to the violation.

The Graduate Honor Council will maintain confidentiality related to cases and all surrounding circumstances. Hearings are open to relevant parties only as designated by the Provost of the College. All college judicial cases are confidential. Cases, students involved, outcomes, or any related circumstances will not be discussed. Exceptions include relevant persons associated with the case on a need to know basis as defined by the designated College official. Accusers may inquire as to whether or not cases have been processed by the Graduate Honor Council, however verdicts remain confidential.

Copies of the official correspondence related to all cases will be placed in the student’s permanent file by the Registrar. Student files are kept confidential and released only with an official request (see the FERPA section for more information regarding privacy rights).

Incomplete. The grade of I is given only when a student has been absent from the final work in a course due to illness or other causes acceptable to the instructor and to the Provost of the College. Permission from the instructor and from the Provost of the College must be requested and given before an I may be recorded.

The procedure for an incomplete grade is as follows:

  1. Except in cases of emergency (defined as unexpected occurrences such as accidents or sudden illness), the student should consult with the instructor if an incomplete grade would be an option. The grade of I (incomplete) means the student is passing the class but some relatively small part (1/3 or less) of the semester’s work remains incomplete because of illness or another valid and compelling reason that is satisfactory to the instructor. Instructors are not required to give an incomplete grade.
  2. If the instructor supports the incomplete grade, the instructor must submit an Incomplete Grade Form (found on WesPortal, WesNet tab, Provost’s Office section, forms) to the Provost of the College for approval.
  3. Upon approval, the Provost will notify the instructor. The instructor is responsible for notifying the student, in writing, of the deadline for completing all work.
  4. Instructors must remove I grades by 60 calendar days from the last day of the term (date is published on the Academic Calendar).
  5. To remove the I grade, the instructor must complete a grade change form in the Registrar’s Office. Instructors will be reminded by the Registrar prior to the deadline. If the grade is not changed by the deadline, the Registrar will assign a grade of F. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements for completing all work by the deadline specified by the instructor. A student failing to complete all work shall be regarded as having failed in the course, and a grade of F will be recorded by the Registrar. No extensions to the grade change deadline will be made.

Leave of Absence. A leave of absence is designed to allow a student a break in studies for a limited time without having to withdraw from or apply for readmission to Wesleyan College. The leave of absence applies to any matriculated student who is in good academic and financial standing with the college. However, a leave of absence has consequences for a graduate student in a cohort program, and should always be discussed with the student’s academic advisor. The leave of absence may last for a minimum of one semester, and a maximum of a 12-month period; a student may only accrue a total of two semesters (excluding summer semesters) for leave of absence during her/his college career. International students must comply with immigration regulations regarding continuous enrollment. International students should consult with the Student Affairs office concerning regulations.

The student will consult with the program director and apply to the Registrar of the College for a Leave of Absence during the semester preceding the leave of absence period. A student cannot take a leave of absence after the semester begins.

Upon her or his return, it is the responsibility of the student to notify both the program director and the Registrar during registration to reinstate her academic standing. At this time, the student does not need to apply for readmission. If a student exceeds the allotted leave time, she will be deemed to have withdrawn and must apply for readmission. Program requirements in effect at the time of the student’s approval for a leave of absence will continue in effect upon return within the allotted leave time.

The Provost of the College may make exceptions to this Leave of Absence policy under extraordinary conditions.

Name on Official Records. The Registrar’s Office is responsible for maintaining a student’s official academic record, and as such is the office that controls student name changes at Wesleyan College. All inquiries and requests should be directed to this office. Legal name is defined as the name verified by a birth certificate, marriage certificate, social security card, passport, or court order. Students wishing to change their name on their official academic record from the name under which they were admitted to the College must provide the Registrar with legal documentation reflecting their new legal name.

Change of name requires (1) presentation of a current Social Security card reflecting the new name and (2) a government-issued photo ID, marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order reflecting the new name. Please present the original legal document or a certified (i.e., notarized) copy with the original notary seal to the Registrar’s Office. Faxes cannot be accepted. Original documents will be copied for your file and returned to you.

International students’ names must appear on academic records exactly as they appear on the passport issued by the home country. The U.S. entry visa may not be used as documentation for a name change.

Alumnae who wish to order a replacement diploma may do so through the Registrar’s Office. Diplomas are only printed twice a year corresponding with commencement. See tuition and fees section for replacement cost.

Numbering of Courses and Abbreviations. Single numbers indicate one-semester courses. Graduate courses are numbered at the 500 level or higher. Subject codes are indicated by the letters following each subject.

BHA Business Healthcare
BNP Business Nonprofit
EBA Business Administration
EDU Education
MAT Mathematics
MUP Music Performance
MUS Music
PSY Psychology

Repeating a Course for Grade Replacement. If a student earns a C or F in a course, the student may retake the course to earn a higher letter grade, one time. If the course is repeated, the lowest grade will be replaced and will not be counted toward the computation of the cumulative grade point average. The grade from each attempt will appear on the transcript. A student may earn credit hours for the course only once and only repeat one course during their program.

Safe Learning Spaces. In order to ensure an environment that is conducive for all students to learn, students, faculty, and staff are expected to treat one another with respect in all interactions, whether in the classroom, in office spaces and hallways, in academic spaces such as the Library, or through electronic communication. Rude, disruptive, and/or disrespectful behavior interferes with other students’ rights and with the instructor’s ability to teach. Any student who is rude, disruptive and/or disrespectful during a class will be asked to leave and will be counted absent for that class period. Refusal to leave the classroom may result in the faculty member requesting assistance from Campus Safety and Security and additional consequences. Physical, threatening, or illegal activities will not be tolerated and are subject to legal consequences. Behavior that interferes with learning is considered a violation of the Wesleyan Honor Code and will be investigated via the process outlined in the Wolf Guide Student Handbook.

Transcript Requests and Release of Records. Wesleyan College recognizes the privacy rights of students with regard to their educational records, including the right of access to their own records and the right to a hearing to challenge the accuracy of such records. The College will not release personally identifiable data about students from education records without written permission from the student to any individual, agency, or organization, except to the extent that the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as Amended (FERPA) authorizes disclosure without consent.

Students and alumnae can electronically send official transcripts to the destination of their choice. Instructions for ordering a transcript are located on Wesleyan’s Website: www.wesleyancollege.edu. Click on Academics, Request a Transcript. Unofficial transcripts are only available to currently enrolled students through their WesPortal account at no charge. Fees for transcripts are given in the Financial section of the Catalog. Wesleyan College is not responsible for incomplete or incorrect mailing addresses provided with requests for transcript releases.

Requests for transcripts will be checked and approved for release within 5 working days by the Registrar’s Office at Wesleyan College. During peak periods of activity in the Registrar’s Office such as the opening and closing of semesters, registration, and graduation, the processing time for release of transcripts may extend slightly beyond five working days.

Wesleyan reserves the right to withhold the transcript of any student who is past due or delinquent on her loan obligation(s) to the College, is delinquent or has defaulted on federal student loans, owes the College money from current or previous enrollment, has failed to submit official transcripts from previous high schools or college attendance, has failed to return College property, has failed to secure proper immunizations as required by the Health Services of the College, or has failed to fulfill any other obligation to the College.

Transferring Credits. Wesleyan College graduate programs will accept up to 6 transfer credits, earning at least a B (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) from graduate courses evaluated by the specific program director and deemed to meet the same required outcomes as the Wesleyan equivalent. These courses have to be taken at other institutions accredited by the following agencies:

  • Higher Learning Commission (HLC)
  • Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)
  • New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE)
  • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
  • WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC)

Credit from an institution of higher education accredited by an institutional accreditor not listed above will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Withdrawal. For candidates in a cohort-format program, withdrawal from a course is equivalent to withdrawal from a cohort. Candidates are strongly encouraged to consult with their advisor when making a decision on withdrawal from a course. A student may withdraw from a course only in the case of serious illness or emergency with the approval of the Graduate Council and the Provost of the College no later than one week past the mid-term point of the current term. Exceptions regarding the withdrawal deadline are made only in cases of illness and emergency when a “W” may be granted past this date at the discretion of the Provost of the College. Withdrawal from a class must be accomplished through the Registrar’s Office, Tate 120. It is strongly recommended that any student receiving financial aid who is contemplating withdrawal from the College, first contact the Office of Student Financial Aid to determine the impact of that decision.

  1. Voluntary Withdrawal . Students who find it necessary to withdraw from the college during the regular academic year must file with the Registrar of the College a withdrawal request form requesting administrative approval for such action. Voluntary withdrawal is considered official by the College only upon receipt of said request. Honorable dismissal is granted only if all financial obligations to the College are satisfactorily cleared. Students who withdraw and do not complete the semester enrolled, the date the student initiated the withdrawal process will serve as the withdrawal date and the date the college determined she or he withdrew. Students who withdraw and complete the semester enrolled, the date of the last day of the term enrolled will serve as the withdrawal date and the date the college determined she or he withdrew. Students who do not officially withdraw, but fail to register for the next fall or spring semester are considered voluntarily withdrawn as of the last day of the last term enrolled.
  2. Administrative Withdrawal. The Provost of the College may withdraw a student from a class or dismiss her or him from the College for failure to cooperate with an instructor’s policies for classroom behavior or for repeated failure to respond to an instructor’s requirements for a course. The date the Provost initiated the administrative withdrawal will serve as the student’s withdrawal date and the date that the college determined she or he withdrew. Notification must be given to the Registrar.
  3. Administrative Medical Withdrawal. A student who has an illness or condition that might endanger or be damaging to the health or welfare of the student or any member of the College community, or whose illness or condition is such that it cannot be effectively treated or managed while the student is a member of the College community, could be withdrawn from the College by the administration. The Dean of Students will make a recommendation to the Provost for an Administrative Medical Withdrawal. If the student is withdrawn, they may appeal the decision to the Admissions Committee. The date the College administration initiated the Administrative Medical Withdrawal process will serve as the student’s date of withdrawal and date that the College determined the student withdrew. If the student is unable to complete the course with a passing grade, a grade of ‘W’ - withdrawn will be applied (no academic penalty). The withdrawn student may be readmitted after the withdrawal via the Readmission Policy to the College.
  4. Hardship Withdrawal. If, for medical reasons, a student seeks to withdraw from the College after the last day to withdraw without academic penalty, she or he must document the illness through an official medical report from a physician, and it must be approved by the Provost of the College before the official withdrawal is accomplished through the Registrar’s Office. If the student fails to document her or his illness, and/or is not approved for a medical withdrawal by the Provost of the College, she or he is responsible for completing the course requirements. The date the student initiated the Medical Withdrawal process will serve as the withdrawal date and date that the college determined she or he withdrew.
  5. Non-Attendance and Unofficial Withdrawal. Students receiving federal financial assistance, who do not pass any courses and who do not officially withdraw from Wesleyan College are considered “unofficially withdrawn.” Students who are unofficially withdrawn must apply to the College for readmission in future semesters.

The Higher Education Amendments of 1998 and the Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005 set forth regulations governing the treatment of Title IV funds (Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant [SEOG], Academic Competitiveness Grant [ACG], National SMART Grant, Federal Subsidized Loan, Federal Unsubsidized Loan, and Federal PLUS) when a student withdraws completely from an institution. When a student withdraws during a period of enrollment in which she or he has begun attendance and has received federal Title IV financial aid, Wesleyan College is required to determine the amount of earned and unearned Title IV aid. A student is eligible to retain the percentage of Title IV aid disbursed or that could have been disbursed that is equal to the percentage of the enrollment period completed by the student (calculated daily). Scheduled breaks of 5 or more consecutive days are excluded. The unearned Title IV aid must be returned to the appropriate federal aid program(s). If the student has completed more than 60% of the enrollment period, no Title IV aid needs to be returned.

Workload. A normal course load is between 6 and 12 semester hours during the fall and spring semesters. 6 credits is considered full-time in all graduate programs. To maintain visa status, all international students must enroll and maintain at least 6 credit hours during fall and spring semesters. Exceptions to this regulation must be discussed with the international student advisor. Only one online or distance learning class (maximum three credits) can count toward a full course of study for an F-1 student during each term or semester.

Programs for Graduate Academic Enrichment

Instructional Technology. Wesleyan is committed to providing students with the opportunity to use technology appropriate for their field of study. Students have access to both private e-mail and access to WesPortal, the College’s intranet. The use of the systems must comply with the College’s network policy which fully supports the EDUCOM Code for the protection of software and intellectual rights.

Wesleyan College provides students with (Wi-Fi) wireless network connection throughout the campus. These connections afford students the opportunity to browse the Internet, conduct research, and develop an appreciation for the ever-changing world of digital information.

Several computer laboratories and electronic classrooms are available for specialized activities such as scanning, statistical analysis, multimedia development, multimedia presentations, and Web page creation. Most courses involve direct use of computer and web-based resources. The Canvas learning management system facilitates sharing course resources, grading, bulletin-board and chat-based discussions. Students have access to electronic databases and Georgia inter-library loans and downloads as well as extensive use of virtual exploration programs and electronic simulations.

Information Technology Assistants are available to provide computer support and training.

Disability Resources. Wesleyan College is committed to equal education and full participation for all students. Disability Services is committed to supporting students with disabilities. The Director of Disability and Advocacy Services oversees the implementation of disability related programs and services.

If a student with a disability wishes to receive an accommodation, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the Director of Disability and Advocacy Services and request an accommodation by completing the Disability Services Request Form. The student must provide current documentation from a qualified licensed professional as soon as possible, prior to when accommodations are desired. The documentation should include the specific diagnosis attributing to the disability, how the diagnosis was determined, and effects the disability will have on the student’s collegiate life. Students may request a Wesleyan College Disability Services Verification Form on which a licensed professional can provide this information.

If the submitted documentation meets the requirements, the Director of Disability and Advocacy Services will approve reasonable accommodations and notify the student of this approval. If the documentation does not meet the requirements, the Director of Disability and Advocacy Services will inform the student that additional information or contact with the medical professional is required. If a student feels as though she has been denied a reasonable accommodation or is dissatisfied with the determination that they are not eligible as an otherwise qualified individual with a disability the student may appeal in writing according to the Process for appealing decisions by the Office of Disability Services.

Once approval of the accommodation request has been obtained from the Director of Disability and Advocacy Services the student is expected to identify herself and present the documentation provided by Disability Services to the appropriate staff or faculty member as soon as possible. The student is then expected to meet with the appropriate staff or faculty member to determine how accommodations will be administered. The student will then return the paperwork to Disability Resources in order to finalize the accommodations.

Accommodations that decrease the integrity of a course or program or cause an undue burden will not be approved. Accommodations will not be granted retroactively. Accommodations will be determined on an individual basis according to specific student needs. To continue to be considered for academic accommodations, a student must request services each semester. Other accommodation requests must be made annually.

Willet Memorial Library. The Lucy Lester Willet Memorial Library offers a variety of print and electronic resources to support student research and the College curriculum. The library’s strong liberal arts core collection includes more than 140,000 books, 33,900 microforms, and more than 500 print and online periodical subscriptions. The library provides extensive electronic resources, including more than 100 databases containing periodical indexing, full-text journals and reference works supporting a full range of curricular programs. Many of these are available through the statewide GALILEO (Georgia Library Learning Online) project. Through Wesleyan’s membership in the Georgia Private Academic Libraries (GPALS) consortium, students can enjoy access to the library collections of 20 other academic libraries in the state in addition to being able to borrow materials from libraries nationally via interlibrary loan. Professional librarians offer reference and research assistance, workshops, and other learning opportunities designed to foster information-literacy skills for academic success and life-long learning. Library hours before and during holidays may change. Hours for holidays and summer session are posted on the Library’s website.

Graduate Financial Information. Graduate students may contact the Financial Aid Office for financial assistance. Funds may be available through private, state, and federal programs for these students. Financial information is located in the financial information section of the catalog.

Graduate Financial Aid Policies. Financial aid policies are located in the financial aid section of the catalog.

Graduate Student Life. Wesleyan strives to exist as a community of scholars - a community comprised of students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Respect for the individual student and for the individual student’s contributions to the College community drives the academic and co-curricular programs of the College. Enthusiasm and respect for diversity of culture and thought permeates the Wesleyan community. Students from different cities, states, countries and cultures, and students with many different ideologies enrich the Wesleyan experience for all members of the College community.

Dean of Students. The Dean of Students oversees the Division of Student Affairs and is responsible for the overall quality of campus life. The Dean of Students is available to assist students with problems and concerns. The Dean of Students oversees areas of equity and inclusion, residence life, and disability and advocacy services.

Campus Safety. Wesleyan College employs Synergy Security Services to provide safety and security on campus. Established in 2010, Synergy Security Services provides licensed security officers that patrol campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The safety officers are licensed by the State of Georgia to carry a firearm. The security team will work in tandem with Bibb County Sheriff’s department. You can reach the on-duty safety officer by calling (478) 960-7969 to report suspicious behavior, request an escort, or for other needs that can be addressed by your campus safety team. Any incident that is criminal in nature should be reported to campus safety immediately.

Food Service. Food Service on campus is provided through Metz Culinary Management. Non-boarding students, faculty, staff and guests may eat in the Anderson Dining Hall by purchasing meals through the cashier.